The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism The Age of Surveillance Capitalism provides a revealing look at just how committed companies like google and Facebook are to tracking every one of your actions selling that data to advertisers. Over the past few years, this business practice has become one of the most prominent worldwide, and the harmful effects it has on personal liberty and democracy are becoming more apparent. Surveillance capitalism is the business of taking people’s data and using it to make a profit. This includes location tracking, search history, contacts, browsing history, biometric data, when you go to sleep and wake up, how often you recharge your battery – the list goes on and on. This information is then analyzed for behavioral trends and sold to help advertisers better target customers. But author Shoshana Zuboff is hoping that people won’t accept these invasive practices as the new status quo and holds out hope that we can find a way to establish better ...